Discovery Charter School

Let us know which stop works best for you!

The survey below lists the bus stops we are hoping to offer! We want to know which stops work best for you before we finalize a schedule or route. Please fill out the survey below to help us make the best route for our students.

If you have questions or concerns feel free to contact Bright Yellow Lines at

Proposed Bus Stops

Possible Bus Stops

The following bus stops are proposed for the 2023-2024 school year. These stops are subject to change based on interest. If you want to help us lock in a bus stop, please fill out the survey above. The more families interested in a bus stop the more likely it will be added to the final schedule.

Expand each stop to find the address with link and a description of the bus stop.

Discovery Charter School Proposed Map

Please see the bus stops on the map. Each stop is listed below.

  • A - Discovery Hillpointe

  • B - Woofter Family Park

  • C - Ed Fountain Park

  • D - Gary Reese Freedom Park

  • E - Winchester Cultural Center

  • F - Paradise McLeod Park